
Funda Temoçin Aydoğan, Human Resources Director - Cigna Finans Emeklilik

"Our collaboration with Profil International started with the integration process of Cigna Finans Emeklilik. As part of structuring our new organization, they delivered swift and superior solutions."

"In order to accomplish an accurate placement, a consulting firm should first of all become well acquainted with and understand the organization's structure and corporate culture. In this respect Profil, with its experienced and high-caliber consultants, is able to achieve an in-depth understanding of the inner environment, identify and diagnose the need accurately and carefully assess the candidates with well-structured interview processes.

Furthermore, through their professional approach, we also had a beneficial experience about their positive influence on the candidates in terms of  their perception about our organization, our position in the industry and attracting higher caliber candidates.

As a result of all of these positive experiences, we see Profil as a long term strategic partner and plan to continue working together in our upcoming processes."